
At Nikolo Bertok's studio, Bratislava

Impressions from a short, lovely visit at young fashion designer, Nikolo Bertok's old town studio: Nikolo is extremely organized (which I can only quietly admire. And envy!), his spacious studio in the heart of old town Bratislava is beautifully put together, where everything has its place. He finished his fashion design studies in London, at Middlesex University. He serves tea in the afternoon. How British of him! He has shown his collections at London Fashion Week 2010, London Art Fair, New York, Brighton and Bratislava. Among others, he is specializing in men's tailoring (you can even have your suit hand sewn, if you wish so) and has a beautiful collection of material samples. From leftover materials, he is producing interior accessories (told you, he is organized, no waste!) He is also a very gracious host, and has just opened his boutique in Bratislava's Nedbalová street (close to the back entrance of Stará tržnica). And he has a beautiful vintage picture with his mom, look here. And scroll. Apart from all that he is working on a new collection, which I am quite curious about. Enjoy!

Dojmy z krátkej, milej návštevy v staromestskom ateliéry mladého módneho návrhára Nikola Bertoka: Nikolo je obdivuhodne usporiadaný (čo môžem len ticho obdivovať. A závidieť!), jeho priestranný ateliér v srdci starej Bratislavy je krásne zariadený, organizovaný, všetko má svoje miesto. Svoje štúdium módneho návrhárstva skončil v Londýne, na Middlesex University, a svoje kolekcie predviedol na London Fashion Week 2010, London Art Fair, New Yorku, Brightone a v Bratislave. Medzi inými sa špecializuje na pánske obleky (ak sa na to cítite, pokojne môžete mať jedinečný, ručne šitý oblek na mieru), v jeho ateliéri si môžete vybrať zo širokej palety krásnych vzoriek látok. Okrem toho z nadbytočných látok vyrába aj príjemné doplnky do bytu (hovorila som, že je usporiadaný!). A okrem toho je láskavým hostiteľom, a práve si otvoril svoj prvý butik na Nedbalovej ulici (neďaleko zadného v chodu do Starej tržnice. A má krásnu vintage fotku so svojou mamou, aha tu. Zoskrolovať prosím. A okrem toho všetkého pracuje na novej kolekcii, na ktorú som naozaj zvedavá. Nech sa ľúbi!


  1. Specializing in men's tailoring? Now, now - let me think... ;)

  2. tak to uz hej! to miesto vyzera luxusne a utulne zaroven...

  3. hhahah ten knír na figuríně je super
